Museum of the City of Weinheim
The Museum collects and stores objects related to the history of the town and the region. Apart from the permanent exhibition on around 1,000 square meters, special exhibitions take place on a regular basis.
The Museum of Weinheim was founded in 1906 as a collection of the "Weinheim Antiquity Association". From 1911, the collection was housed in the then trade school, and from 1938 in the "Villa Dessauer". In 1938, it passed into the hands of the city of Weinheim, and the Association dissolved. Since 1939, the collection has been housed in the present building in Amtsgasse (the former home of the Teutonic Order built in 1710). In 1948 it was opened as a "museum of local history". Since the extensive renovation of the building between 1996 and 1998, the permanent exhibition has been presented on four floors with around 1,000 square meters.
The exhibition area is on the second floor.
The top floor contains a large room for museum-related pedagogic events.
Special Features:
Mammoth skull from Waidsee
Pre-History and Early History, with particular emphasis on findings from the Bronze Age (76 individual pieces from the Nächstenbach Hoard) and the Merovingian Period (including archaeological findings from 50 graves)
Frescoes from the old St. Peter’s Church in Weinheim (built between 1250 and 1350, exposed in 1910)
Architectural fragments and individual exhibits from Weinheim churches
Biedermeier and historism chambers from the palace of the Earl of Berckheim (today the Town Hall)
Crafts and trades (including smiths from Rippenweier)
Peasants‘ tools and peasants’ household goods as well as a calf with two heads
Views of Weinheim and its surroundings (paintings and graphics from the 18th to 20th centuries)
Project "Following the Footsteps of Jewish History in Weinheim"
The Jewish population in Weinheim shaped the image of our city for hundreds of years, and enriched its culture and economy. This development in the history and culture of Weinheim was crudely interrupted with the rise of the National Socialist regime. The aim of the project “Following the Footsteps of Jewish History in Weinheim“ is to once again make visible the lives and works of the Jewish citizens of Weinheim, to show the marks left by them in the city, and to once again give the Jewish culture in Weinheim a face.
The Förderkreis (support group) of the Museum Weinheim e.V. has taken up this idea to ask for donations and to design and set up the website
It was presented to the public in November 2008 and can also be viewed at a point in the museum since October 2009.