Commercial Premises/Properties in Weinheim

Are you looking for a suitable commercial property in Weinheim?

Are you looking for a suitable commercial property in Weinheim?
You can find the current offers for commercial premises and commercial properties in Weinheim in the Commercial Property Database of the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region.
The offers are subdivided into:

- Commercial premises
- Production areas and storage facilities
- Office facilities
- Retail premises

You can find more offers here:

- 3-Glocken Center
- Weinheim industry park
- Weinheim technology park
- Retail Park Güterbahnhof

You can select the location of the commercial property directly by pressing Search in the map.

Rhein-Neckar Location Portal

You can find around 900 available properties to purchase and rent in northern Baden, South Hesse and the Palatinate at These include offices, as well as spaces for retail, gastronomy, production and logistics or free commercial properties. The search in the new regional commercial property portal can be refined according to type of property, location, size and price.

The hits are displayed in a list as well as on a map, for a better overview. A detailed exposé with further information and photos is attached to each entry. It is also possible to contact the advertiser directly. Entries that are older than six months are automatically archived, which ensures that the data is always up-to-date.

The Rhein-Neckar GmbH’s commercial property portal is also supported by the Rhein-Neckar Property Network, in which around 50 important stakeholders have joined forces.

Usage of the commercial property portal is free of charge for advertisers and searchers.


economic promoter
Jens Stuhrmann
Obertorstraße 9
69469 Weinheim

tel.: +49 6201 / 82 - 550
fax: +49 6201 / 82 - 504


How to reach us:
Rathaus Schloss
Entrance D, 1st Fl.
Room 331

plan (511 KB)

Dates past arrangements with office.

Ulrike Pecorelli

tel.: +49 6201 / 82 - 417
fax: +49 6201 / 82 - 504

opening times:
Mon.-Fri. 8 am - 12 am
out of service on Wednesday
Thur. 2 pm - 6 pm

Take care of the different conversation time of the seperate departments and offices.
We have flexible working hours. You reach us by phone:

Mon.-Fri. 8:30 am - 11:30 am
Mon.-Wed. 2 pm - 4 pm
Thur. 2:30 pm - 6 pm